Ocean of Soul Answers
Your LifeTimes on Earth

Ocean of Love Ceremonies

We arrive on the earth. We live our lives in a great, sacred circle. We mark  our rites of passage as the tides flow in and out on the shores of life. Ceremonies connect us to that circle of our soul that we starts with Spirit or God or Divine Source, that joins us to family, blood and spiritual, friends, colleagues, those sharing the journey. Ceremonies honor and mark our growth, change, rites of passage, progress in Love and Light as we travel our pathways.

We give these times special names: Baby Blessing, Baptism, BirthDay Party, Graduation, Commencement, Marriage, Commitment, Weloming Child, Life Transitions: Career, Changes, Promotions, Soul Calling, Heart Calling, Moves, Separations, Divorce, Loss and Letting Go, Starting Anew, Illness, Life Review, Dying into Death , Funerals, Memorials, Home Comings and Celebrating a Loved One's Return to Spirit. And on it goes, life flows, as we travel the eternal wheel.

I am here to companioion you as intutive, imaginative, creative guide in visioning, preparing, offering a ceremony.

Breath by breath, moment my moment, step by step, we grow, learn, heal, celebrate. We live and we die and we hopefully experience all the rites of passage along the way.We become part of that wondrous round of the past, the present, the future. 

My years as a traveling storyteller and spiritual seeker lead me to a meeting with Rabbi Joseph Gelberman. This visionary Hassidic man, a combination of wise elder, leprechaun or elf and open hearted human being, had the gift of living each day to the fullest. His answering  machine offered, "This is the day that the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." He practiced and modeled for all who met him, expansive love for all.

I begin by honoring him because he was also the founder of The New Seminary in New York City. Rabbi Gelberman lost his family in the Holocaust. Immigrating to Manhattan to begin his life over, he served in synagogues, as a yoga teacher, as the author of books on the Kabballah. His vision to form a modern day mystery school to train interfaith ministers to serve all people and to move past all the labels and identities that can create divisiveness was his passion and perhaps greatest offering to our world.

I heard him speak on four occasions and each time, I had a sense of hearing his CALL to me, to come to the seminary. My thought and feeling then was that this would be a perfect companion to my life as a storyteller. I could use my  sacred ministry with world-wide story, sacred teachings, poetry, song, chant, circle dance, for enhancing already wonderful occasions such as weddings, baby blessings, naming ceremonies, funerals, memorials and house blessings. As a storyteller, I had performed at baby showers, birthday parties for all ages and every venue imaginable, spiritual and secular.

Following my ordination at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in 1996, instead of beginning to offer my services in the above named ways, my life unraveled. All that was left for me was to give my life and direction over to Spirit. That called me into the realms of spiritual counseling, hypnotherapy, past life therapy, soul readings and hospice chaplaincy.

There is a line in a T. S. Elliot poem, "To make an ending is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. After dedicating my life to these healing ways, I felt again a calling in the summer of 2010, to relook at why I had gone to The New Seminary. Oh yes, weddings especially. I then set forth a new intention to start again and anew. What came instead was the heart's call to increase my visits with my mother and then to become her full time caregiver and companion her thru her departure for the other side.

Now the time has come for me to re-birth Ocean of Love Ceremonies.

Thank you Rabbi Gelberman for also being part of that stirring me awake. Rabbi Gelberman departed this earth on September 12, 2010 at the rich and ripe age of 98 years young in heart. I dedicate this page to him and to carrying on his loving spirit to people of all faiths. Always in Addition to, never instead of, was and is his legacy for all of us at this time of global change to welcome Interfaith as the pathway for global understanding and harmony.

                         On Wings of the Heart Wedding Ceremonies

Commitment of Caring Ceremony

Beautiful Baby Blessing

Harmony in your Home Ceremony

Memorial of  Remembering  Your Loved One Ceremony

Delightful Dedication Ceremony

We meet together and begin to talk about what you are seeking, dreaming of, envisioning, imagining. We invite the Spirit of your Special Occasion into that space as an honored guest, so that this future event is helping us shape what happens there. I am here to listen and to help guide the co-creation with you and others. Join me in trusting that all the time we are  being lead by the Divine Spirit guiding us all. Our intention is to make a lasting memory of beauty and wonder that will feed you and your loved ones always. I welcome your email to begin a conversation about how I can serve your intention.


May You Walk in Beauty and in Balance

This Day or Eve on Mother Earth

Love Til You've Loved it Away from Birth to Birth