Ocean of Soul Answers
Your LifeTimes on Earth



Inviting You to Imagine an Hypnotic Journey


Have you had the experience of driving down the road, arriving at your destination, only to experience a sense of wondering, "how did I get here?" You are in a trance state of highway hypnosis.

Or standing at the sink doing the dishes and entering a daydream or nightdream of drifting off to somewhere else. You are in  a trance state.

Perhaps you were reading a book and found yourself transported to another time and place, forgetting this reality. You are in a trance state.

How about sitting in a movie theater so absorbed in the film that you couldn't move when it ended? You are in a trance state.

Remember that feeling at waking up or at falling asleep, of having just been somewhere else. You are in a trance state.

Consider how you enjoyed the experience of listening to music, feeling uplifted, even transported to another time and place. You are in  a trance state.

You may have played or play a sport with repetitive movements. You are in a trance state.

Even reading the above and hearing the same intonation of words can put you into... a trance state !

Yes, trance is a readily available way to leave this reality and travel into another. We all have had the experience. Trance is a simple, inner process that takes little effort. Another word for this trance state is hypnosis.  The word hypnosis comes from the Greek god of sleep named Hypnos. In sleep we enter into that space and place of being peaceful and relaxed, a time apart from the world. The above examples are ones of self hypnosis.

When offered therapeutically, hypnosis is conducted by a trained hypnotist. First comes an intake that clarifies what you are seeking help with, what blocks, patterns, limitations, beliefs, you want to explore and uncover to release. You are guided within from the everyday conscious realm into the subconcious  mind realm, that which lies just below the surface. Water is the element connected with that movment from the outer to the inner. Traveling on the breath and to the sound of my soothing voice, you easily enter into deep relaxation. Leaving the outer and the home of the critical, analytical mind, you journey to inner focus and concentration.The primary method in contacting the subconscious is to enter that inner realm that controls emotions, self-esteem, the immune system and our bodies. Stories and memory lie just below the conscious level.

Hypnois is a relaxed place or state in which the mind is at rest and the body is experiencing.

My practice in hypnosis focuses on inviting a person into that relaxed state to enter the subconcious realm to facilitate healing. Primarily I use hypnosis for doing inner child healing work and for past life regression therapy.

It looks and feels similar to a guided visualization. Using the setting of sacred intention meaning stating this is what you want to explore, go the origin or root cause of, remember to release, I use Breath, Spoken Word, Soft Music, unless you would prefer silence, to Guide You Within.

At all times you maintain a dual reality, meaning in an altered state of consciousness and also aware of this reality. At all times you are in control. That means if you need to get up, go to the bathroom, have a drink of water, shift your position on the couch or reclining chair, you are able to do so easily.

Hypnosis offers fast and long lasting results and is a highly effective healing modality.

The session is taped and offered to you.


May You Walk in Beauty and in Balance

This Day or Eve on Mother Earth