Ocean of Soul Answers
Your LifeTimes on Earth



Healing the Inner Child and Welcoming Home your Lifelong Companion

"Unless Ye become like little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven." This Biblical quote is actually and also referring to the universal  journey we are each called to make to enter the portals of our memory and our body to uncover, recover, release and restore the child of us who is always a part of us. This is the inner Kingdom of Treasures and our Soul. The sacred wounds and stories we carry inside us are seeking our attention to be acknowledged, seen, felt, purified. As adults we then can become the loving parent to our inner child.

As one who has made that journey for self healing, I know the way and know how to companion and guide you in and out A teddy bear and a doll, both still on my bed, helped me to hold for comfort and hope in healing my own inner child. There are also teddy bears and a doll in my office.

You and I, guided by the Higher Realms of Light and Love join forces with spiritual guides and helpers. You are guided to express any and all emotions that come up including anger, sadness, confusion, lonliness, rage and more. You can communicate with your birth parents.  You can engage in a forgiveness ceremony. You can choose new inner parents.

I also invite and welcome the presence and presents of the Elements.

In the circle of life we all live our lives, now and in the past, the first healers are the Elements: Air, Water, Fire, Earth. In the medicine wheel of our lives, the Elemental Ones are connected to our Intellectual or Mental Realm our Emotional Realm, our Spiritual Realm and our Physical Realm. I partner with them and invite you to do so with me in a healing session. This means inviting these healing energies to help and guide the release from your body temple of what has been carried there from childhood, that does not serve you, that has sapped your energy for vibrant living.

An example of partnering with Water is to guide you in the inner realm to a body of moving water: a stream, river, lake, ocean, waterfall for entering into and being cleansed and purified, thanking the waters of renewal to flow away with your past. 

An example of partnering with Earth is to guide you in the inner realm to dig a hole in the earth to bury the pain of the past, then to use Light as a way to fill yourself up for rebirth and renewal. This would be companioning yourself with the earth.

An example of partnering with Fire is to guide you  in the inner realm by visualizing or perceiving a fire before you and giving into the fire the childhood pain. As you empty that out of you, the next step is to invite the Fire of reclaiming your power with bringing fire into your belly.

An example of partnering with Air is to guide you in the inner realm by visualizing or perceiving the arrival of  the winds where you invite the winds of shifts and changes to come blow around you and through you to empty out the past. I accompany this with my feather fan.

Any of the above described ceremonies with the Elements may include more than one element. I often am called to also offer a healing song that I will hear come in from my inner song wind.

The child of us loves ritual and ceremony and responds to these ancient pathways.

When childhood includes abandonment, abuse, betrayal, conflict, neglect, pain and other traumas, the result is a wounded child. That wounded part of us disassociates and becomes disconnected, unavailable to us in a healthy, productive, nurturing way. We experience what is called soul loss which is the fragmented self of the hurt child. In a guided healing inner journey, you are safely, gently brought back into remembering with the intention of releasing what happened.This kind of session and work is essential to reclaiming the child, our source of the imaginal, the creative, the artistic, the playful, the soulful. The child of us is the keeper of the key to the kingdom of wonder, joy, delight. 

At the Alchemy Institute in CA, I was taught the techniques I use for healing the inner child. I learned this way because of my own need for rescuing my own wounded child. Alchemy refers to the process of turning base metals into gold, of making a transformative journey. From the dark of the trauma you are rebirthed into the light of awareness and consciousness. You are also lighter in spirit, mind, heart and body because the deep blocks of stuck energy are removed.

With the help of your adult self, inner guides and helpers and spiritual guidance, we return to an earlier time or times in your life to find the wounded child self, to give that precious child  a voice,  the opportunity to express emotions that got caught in the body, to clear the wounds, to reparent, find new parents or guides, do forgiveness work  and to join with the other parts of self.




You are shown how to begin to grow a relationship with your inner child. How about a balloon walk?

I benefited from having a teddy bear and a doll for my inner child self. I still do, keeping them in my room and even a doll in my car to share road trips. She helps me remember me.

You pratice becoming a loving, attentive parent for your child's needs. You tend to his or her growth, healing, expression and exuberance.

Just as in a relationship with another person you meet in your life, you make time, make dates, get to know this precious child of yours.

Thrugh this process of uncovery, recovery and discovery, you now integrate and become at home in yourself.

Your life vitality and energy is available and flowing. This is wonderfully empowering on your life journey.

You feel restored. You are in touch with awe, creativity and wonder.

Welcome home.




May You and Your Precious Inner Child

 Walk in Beauty and in Balance

This Day or Eve on Mother Earth