Ocean of Soul Answers
Your LifeTimes on Earth


"Return Again, Return Again, Return to the Land of Your Soul

Return To Who You Are, Return to What You Are

Return to Where You Are, Born and Reborn Again

Return Again, Return Again, Return to the Land of Your Soul."


Thank You to Edgar Cayce where I first learned of the Akashic Records

I spent 2 years taking every course imaginable at the ARE in VA. Beach


In a Past Life or Soul Reading we are in the AKASHiC RECORDS

Your Holy Book of Life and Your Lifetimes

I See, Feel, Hear, Sense, Knowa significant Lifetime or Lifetimes affecting your NOW

I also know how to  guide you and clear any blocks, patterns, illness, do forgiveness, atonement, reclaim talents, abilities from that lifetime and come back


You  Shifted and Changed and Lighter

We travel together into that other time and place like a movie that unfolds before us.

Spirit guides us to what is most essential, helpful and healing for you to know, understand and either release a pattern carried in from that time, or reclaim talents, skills, from that time. This is absolutely and profoundly life changing.
A monumental experience in my life was and still is, becoming aware of my ability to see, hear, feel and know another person's past life history. This is a gift I carried in from other incarnations. This ability first resurfaced through the experiences over time of having, over many years, what are called spontaenous memories of past lives. And perhaps that happened because of my coming in as a spiritual seeker with an inner and outer knowing as a child that the Catholic church of my upbringing, was hiding a truth from us. That I knew was the truth of reincarnation.This seeing of  past lives has happened to me in various locales in America and when traveling in other countries. I would suddenly see a scene out of time before my eyes and then hear a divine voice telling me what I was seeing. That information was always related to my own past life incarnations and showing up then and there as a reminder, as a touching remembering of the threads we all have woven into our soul history. Given that it was so unusual, I did not talk about it with anyone til the experience I describe on my Letter/Bio page of what happened in my living room in 1996.

These earlier experiences of the veil lifting between the worlds  happened for me long before my training in hypnotherapy and past life therapy. I began to do past life readings for people. Because the training came first in regression therapy, I carried a knowing  of the complexity and convolutedness of  our individual and collective soul histories. Thus, my soul readings are therapeutically based for the seeker's highest healing.

Truthfully, I continue to be in awe and wonder of how this happens for me. Lately, I have decided to contact a university to see if I can have my brain analyzed as to what is going on internally.

When you seek a Soul or Past Life Reading, it is helpful to provide a focus. This means your exploring what a present life Issue, Concern, Problem, Pattern is. This brings you into becoming aware of what is going on in your own life and in the 4 realms of that life each of us live in, the Mental, the Emotional, the Spiritual and the Physical. If you do not have a particular focus which sometimes happens at a fair where I am doing readings and someone simply states a curiousity about knowing of a past life, then I suggest we travel to what is the most significant lifetime affecting you now. Spirit always guides the way in.

Beginning with a prayer of invocation to bless our journey and to call on the highest realms of light and love to guide us, we set the sacred intention and begin our, what I favor calling, Soul Journey.

I share with you what I am seeing, experiencing, feeling, sensing, hearing as all of my senses get activated at once. Remember I came into this healing realm with backgrounds as a professional storyteller and drama teacher. Those pathways serve me well in this kind of soul storytelling,  in a kind of, isn't life a miracle in preparing us and surprising us with what lies ahead.My years of training and guiding vision quests also serves me well to guide your journey along. I am listening, looking, feeling and being lead by the Highest. Another feature of a Past Life Reading is the focus on the emotional state of you in that life and the other people, players, if you will, on the stage of that particular incarntion.

Please note that this is not simple telling you that you were a teacher in a past life which explains you serving in that role in the present. Or that you and a family member or loved one were together before so there you are again now. This is a very practical, and thorough offering of detailed information, that is profoundly life changing in providing clear information, connections across time and understanding.

A session always is truly right on  with accuracy and answers, regarding the above named Issue, Concern, Problem, Pattern because we are brought to the exact Origin, Root, Cause of the present life dynamic or situation.

As we deepen into your Soul Story, I am also clearly instructed by staying in communication with the guides and wayshowers, as to how to clear the energy blocks in your body from cellular memory that was carried into this incarnation from somewhere, likely layers, of your past.

My ways of clearing energy includes using Breath, Color, Feather Fan, Sound, whether song, chant, drum, rattle or your sounding, Movment, Animal Allies coming to assist, as ususal ways.Traveling into the wisdom of your body temple, we use the medicine of Light also to seal and fill the opening from the release of the old or blocked energy.

There is always the inclusion , as needed, of forgiveness exercizes,  and of integrating the past with the present for creating a vibrant future.

Over these years, I have been blessedly brought into every time span from ancient Lemuria and Atlantis and cave man cultures through the span of time, right up to Vietnam as someone's most recent lifetime. We all truly have been everywhere and experienced every culture, race, creed, gender, occupation and more.

A few examples follow here to illustrate how this form of soul travel works. I will start with one of the spontaneous past life visions from many years ago. I was a high school English teacher, in this life I mean !, attending a storytelling conference in Tennessee. While gazing out a bedroom window to admire the rolling hills, I suddenly saw scenes out of time, from the Civil war. Stirred back into the room, Spirit said to me, very matter of factly, " We were showing you your life as a southern woman here in Tennesse." Made absolute sense. Why, the year before I had taught Civil War literature and surprised myself with how much else I added to the course, above and beyond, bringing in the music of the period,etc. That by the way is all indicative of the soul's familiarity in a time and place. 

I went back to the conference, not saying a word. Years passed and I met a southern man. One day, during a fight in the living room, Spirit exclaimed, "Hey, ( A great southern way of greeting !), take another look at him, he is from that Civil War lifetime. This is old stuff." Alas, I tried to stop the fight with that suggestion, but he proclaimed me really crazy and was shortly gone. I however sought out a past life therapist to understand our shared history, that included my waiting for him to come home, my taking him for dead in the war, opening up our home to nurse wounded soldiers, falling in love with one of them, and his surprise arrival home. I would have been mad too. This also illustrates how we carry our emotional wounds across lifetimes. I like remembering what the cultural anthrolopologist Angeles Arrien offers, "We are all members of the scar clan." I also met the man I betrayed him with years later. He was still very eager for me again.

Here are a few more examples.

For a young woman with chronic asthma, we were brought to a fire in London which explained the origin of the pattern. She was caught on the city streets and suffered a tragic death from smoke inhalation, resulting in the pattern of asthma in the present. This understanding was followed by releasing the held trauma which healed the asthma. Yes, you can clear dis-ease, pain and physical realm conditions.

A relationship difficulty between an oft angry wife and her seemingly innocent husband was traced by seeing their original meeting. She was a native woman and he a visiting sailor on an exploratory visit. He promised returning for her and he did not. Her anger got carried over into their remeeting, joined to the root feeling of will he leave me again. Understanding this lead to their conversation about the earlier time and forgiveness.

A person's fear of water had its origins in drowning in another incarnation. In tracing the story, the emotional residue was released. He can now enjoy being in water to go swimming.

The sessions are taped and notes are taken by me. ( I am a writer in this life and former scribe in past lives.) I keep a copy of the notes in my office file so I have that record for any future sessions. You receive the tape.

A Soul or Past Life Reading is a wondrous experience that will stay with you always. The benefits include deepening your understanding of reality and who you are. Your consciousness is expanded. Your own intuitve awareness is heightened. You will never fear death again as you know that life is eternal. And real healing and resolution happens.


Welcome Traveler to the World  Within You

in an Ocean of Soul Answers Journey with Moriah and Spirit


May You Walk in Beauty and in Balance

This Day or Eve on Mother Earth